Know More About Espresso Coffee for Healthier Life

One of people's favorite drinks is coffee. Every coffee lover has their favorite coffee menu, from sweet coffee to coffee without sugar. One of the best coffee to enjoy is espresso.

Know More About Espresso Coffee for Healthier Life

What is espresso?

Espresso is a thick coffee extract. This strong coffee is obtained from brewing with high pressure and high temperature using an espresso machine. Usually, coffee is finely ground and compacted before brewing. This method was introduced in Italy in the early 20th century.


How to make espresso? 

How to make espresso?

To make espresso, make sure the water in the coffee machine does not contain mineral deposits. Use 18-21 grams of coffee beans that have been finely ground. Compact the coffee beans with a tamper. This compaction will block the water that creeps in so that it forces the coffee grounds and extracted water to be denser. Strong and even tamping will result in even extraction.


How much caffeine is in espresso?

The ideal water temperature for making espresso is 90-96 degrees Celsius. The water temperature can be adjusted in the espresso machine. A good time to make espresso is 25-30 seconds from the initial extraction until the glass is filled. One shot of espresso contains 63 mg of caffeine.

Espresso can be served on various menus. The following are espresso-based menus that we often find.

1. Short macchiato

Short macchiato is served with a shot of espresso, a little hot milk, and foam so it doesn't taste as strong as espresso. However, in general, baristas have their methods and recipes for making short macchiato.

2. Long macchiato

Slightly different from the short macchiato, the long macchiato uses two shots of espresso in making it so that the taste tends to be heavy

3. Americano

Americano is espresso mixed with hot water in a ratio of 1/3 cup of espresso and the rest is hot water.

4. Latte

Latte or café latte is an espresso-based drink mixed with hot milk and microfoam. Latte tastes sweeter than espresso because of the addition of milk. The mixture used is 1 short espresso, hot milk, and 1 cm of milk foam on top.

5. Cappuccino

Similar to a latte, a cappuccino has more milk foam on top than a latte. Cappuccino has foam 3cm thick.

6. Flat white

Flat white consists of espresso and hot milk. Unlike lattes and cappuccinos which use milk foam, flat shots are made by mixing one shot of espresso and hot milk.

7. Piccolo

Piccolo latte is a café latte made in an espresso cup so the piccolo has a strong espresso taste but is a little softer due to the mixture of milk and foam.

8. Café mocha

Café Mocha is a mixture of cappuccino and hot chocolate. Café mocha is made with a single shot of espresso mixed with cocoa powder and served with a cappuccino-making process.

9. Affogato

How much caffeine is in espresso?

Affogato is one of the desert coffees. Affogato is enjoyed after a meal. Affogato is made by placing a large scoop of vanilla ice cream in one to two shots of espresso.

Also read: Learn How to Taste Coffee Like An Expert


Indonesian beans for espresso

Espresso will be more delicious if it is made with selected coffee beans, Indonesia as one of the largest coffee producers and exporters in the world has a variety of selected beans. Coffee was introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch and it turns out that Indonesia has an almost ideal climate for coffee production. The majority of coffee beans in Indonesia come from the Arabica variety. But various types of coffee are popular in Indonesia.

1. Arabica

Arabica is one type of coffee that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Some of the favorite beans of Arabica are Aceh Gayo, Bali Kintamani, and Flores Bajawa. Other types of Arabica coffee in Indonesia are Sidikalang, Samosir, Simalungun, Lintong, Mandheling, Kerinci, Java Preager, Ciwidey, Puntang, Sindoro, Jampir, Ijen Raung, Pupuan, Sokoria, Benteng Alla, Toraja Sapan, and Enrekang. 

2. Robusta

Robusta has a strong color and is thicker when made into coffee. Robusta coffee beans are slightly round, curved, and thicker than Arabica coffee. The types of robusta coffee in Indonesia are Temanggung, Semendo, Lampung, Tambura, Wae Rebo, and Pinogu.

3. Liberica

This coffee from Africa is shaped like a date with a slightly oval shape and a larger size. Liberica coffees in Indonesia are Rangsang, Tungkal, Kubu Raya, and Kota Waringin.

4. Luwak

The last type of coffee in Indonesia is Luwak coffee, the most expensive coffee in the world. The process of this coffee bean is quite long, this coffee comes from a civet, an animal that eats coffee beans, then the coffee beans will come out with their feces. The coffee beans are then washed, cleaned, ground, and then roasted.

Also read: 5 Regions That Produces The Best Indonesian Coffee Beans


Coffee and health

Coffee and health

In addition to its delicious taste, coffee has various health benefits. A cup of coffee contains vitamin B2, vitamin B5, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin. Drinking the right amount of coffee can help lower the risk of serious illnesses. The health benefits of coffee are:

1. Lowering the risk of cancer

The efficacy of coffee is claimed to reduce the risk of liver and colorectal cancer. A study published by Elsevier in 2007 showed that coffee drinkers had a 40% lower risk of liver cancer. Those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

2. Lose weight

Caffeine is one of the substances found in almost every fat-burning supplement. Caffeine is a natural substance that has been shown to help burn fat. Caffeine can increase fat burning by 10-29%

3. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a long-term disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance by the body. Regular consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 23-50%

4. Benefits of coffee in Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's can attack the elderly. A healthy lifestyle, consumption of healthy food, regular exercise, and drinking coffee can prevent Alzheimer's disease. People who regularly drink coffee have a 65% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.

5. Protects the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause liver disorders such as hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and various other liver disorders. Coffee can protect the liver from cirrhosis, people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of liver disorders by up to 80%.

6. Increases energy and brain function

Besides helping to lose fat, the caffeine in coffee can reduce fatigue and increase energy. After drinking, caffeine will be absorbed in the blood and go to the brain. In the brain, caffeine blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine. This will increase the amount of norepinephrine and dopamine. Regular coffee drinking can also improve mood, alertness, and memory.

7. Improve mood

Caffeine can improve mood and reduce depression.


Besides being beneficial for the body, the content in coffee is also beneficial for the skin and face

1. Prevent premature aging

Antioxidants in coffee can protect the coffee from free radicals. Exposure to free radicals is what causes premature aging. Caffeine in coffee can also make the skin firmer and eliminate panda eyes.

2. Protects skin from the sun

Coffee grounds can protect the skin from sun damage.

3. Overcoming acne problems

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in coffee can help treat acne-prone skin.

4. Removes dead skin cells

Coffee grounds can remove dirt that clogs skin pores and improve blood circulation. The use of a coffee mask can help reduce oil on the face.

5. Soothes skin

In addition to counteracting free radicals, the antioxidants in coffee can soothe facial skin due to irritation due to sun exposure and using the wrong skincare.

You can enjoy the pleasure of a cup of espresso while getting the health benefits of consuming coffee. Interested in enjoying the pleasure of espresso and the health benefits of coffee? Visit for fresh coffee every day and click here for Kisaku online!

Also read: Various Coffee Benefits You Need to Know

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