Coffee or Tea: Which One is Better For Me?

It’s morning and the start of the day. You might feel sluggish and still sleepy.

So, do you drink coffee or tea for an energy boost? 

For some people, a hot cup of coffee can help them wake up in the morning. And after a long day of work, they will have a cup of tea because it has a calming effect

Coffee and tea are some of the most favorite drinks in the world. And, there have been numerous debates over the last few years over which is better for you: tea or coffee?

While both offer similar health advantages, there are notable distinctions. We'll compare tea and coffee from several perspectives in this article to help you learn more about both drinks.


Coffee and Tea Caffeine

Coffee or Tea: Which One is Better For Me?

The caffeine in coffee and tea is the source of a lot of debate. 

Caffeine's health advantages are mostly due to its ability to keep us focused and alert. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that causes relaxation, on a chemical level. 

When it comes to starting the day off correctly or powering through a sluggish afternoon, many people turn to caffeine as their energy boost.

Coffee typically has more caffeine than tea, which is a well-known fact. According to the FDA, a standard cup of coffee contains between 80 to 100 mg of caffeine. Green tea or black tea, on the other hand, offers 30 to 50 mg of caffeine in one cup.

Tea leaves, like green tea and black tea, have a higher natural caffeine content than unfiltered coffee beans. The distinction is that coffee is a powerfully brewed liquid, whereas tea is a lesser infusion.

Coffee generally is prepared at a higher temperature, allowing more caffeine molecules from the beans to escape into your cup of coffee. Unlike coffee, tea is steeped at lower temperatures and does not remove all of the caffeine from the leaves.

Because we process the entire bean, coffee has higher caffeine content. When you want to drink tea, you usually remove the leaves, right? Those leaves contain a considerable amount of naturally present caffeine. That’s why tea has a lower content of caffeine than coffee beans.

In conclusion, coffee has a high caffeine content and tea has lower caffeine content. The FDA cited that the recommended caffeine intake for healthy adults is 400 mg of caffeine per day. So, if you drink it in moderation, you will be okay.

Caffeine's effects vary from person to person, so if you're experiencing any of the following negative effects, cut back your caffeine intake:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety 
  • Uncomfortable stomach
  • Tremors in the muscles

Factor That Affects Caffeine In Coffee and Tea

Caffeine concentration in tea and coffee can be affected by a variety of circumstances. Some coffees have more caffeine than others, similar to how some teas contain more caffeine than others.

Here are some factors that affect caffeine both in Coffee and Tea.

Caffeine Content in Coffee is Affected by 

1. Coffee Species and Grind Size 

Arabica has smaller caffeine than Robusta. Caffeine content is also affected by the coffee grind size, with finer grinds releasing additional caffeine.

2. Brewing Method 

Brewing methods such as drip coffee, percolator, and French press, as well as the espresso method, have been discovered to provide more caffeine per serving than espresso. This is based on normal espresso (1 shot) and brewed coffee (8 cups) serving amounts.

3. The amount of coffee used  

If you use more coffee, it will have more caffeine as well.

4. Brewing Time 

The other factor is brewing time. It influences the amount of caffeine in coffee. The longer the brewing time, the more caffeine is extracted.

5. Temperature 

Coffee’s caffeine is more extracted when it is brewed at a higher temperature. 

Caffeine Content in Tea is Affected by 

1. Tea Variety 

Every tea variety has a different caffeine level.

2. Tea Leaf Harvesting Season 

Tea leaf harvesting season can impact caffeine levels, with earlier harvests of the same plants containing additional caffeine.

3. Temperature 

As the temperature rises, more caffeine is taken from the brew.

4. Brewing Time 

More caffeine is produced by steeping/brewing for a longer period. However, brewing time is proportional to temperature since hotter water extracts caffeine from the brew more quickly. This is why, although steeping for longer, cold-brewed tea has less caffeine than hot-brewed tea.

5. Brewing Method

Cold brewing removes less caffeine from green tea than hot brewing, which is also proportional to temperature. 

Coffee or Tea: Which Has More Antioxidants?

Coffee or Tea: Which Has More Antioxidants?

Both coffee and tea include antioxidants, which are chemical substances that can help you avoid diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Research has also shown that coffee has more antioxidants than tea, hot chocolate, and red wine.

Chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and n-coumaric acids are all common antioxidants found in coffee. Caffeine is even considered an antioxidant by some specialists. Catechin, a significant component of green tea, is also an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory qualities.

Just remember to consume coffee and tea in moderation for the antioxidant advantages. Since more than four or five cups per day might cause health problems due to the caffeine content.

Tea and Coffee Nutrients

You might not know, but coffee is high in B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, folate, and pantothenic acid). This vitamin aids in energy metabolism and neurological system function, and so can help you feel better throughout the day. 

Although black tea may not have as many B-vitamins as coffee, it does include a modest quantity of folate, which is similar to coffee. 

Green tea has a similar nutritional profile as black tea, although the vitamins and minerals in green tea vary depending on when it is collected.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee and Tea 

Coffee and tea drinkers will both argue that their preferred drinks are the healthiest. When it comes down to it, research has demonstrated that both drinks have beneficial effects on one's health.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is a beverage that may sharpen your attention and boost your energy levels.

Many individuals rely on their morning cup of joe to set their day off to a good start.

Other than its stimulating effects, coffee has been connected to a variety of possible health benefits. It’s giving you even more reasons to start brewing.

Here are some of the benefits of consuming coffee.

1. Prevented Type 2 Diabetes 

Coffee consumption has been related to a decreased risk of diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes. Some studies claim that drinking coffee daily may lower the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes in the long run.

Another research also indicated that each cup of coffee drunk per day was associated with a 6% decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.

It is high in antioxidants and has the potential to impact insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism, all of which are factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.

2. Could be beneficial to brain health

Although studies have had conflicting results, some evidence shows drinking coffee may help protect against neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's.

People who consume coffee daily have a lower risk of acquiring Parkinson's disease. 

3. Has the potential to improve athletic performance.

Caffeine is a potent stimulant for the central nervous system, which is why it's used as a performance enhancer in sports.

Athletes who want to boost their performance and energy levels frequently utilize coffee as an athletic performance aid.

Consuming coffee before exercise enhanced people's endurance and lowered their perceived exertion, according to a study of nine researchers.

Even when the researchers accounted for characteristics including age, belly fat, and physical activity levels, consuming coffee was related to increased physical performance and quicker gait speed.

4. Could help to prevent liver disease

Some scientific evidence shows that coffee may be beneficial to liver health and disease prevention.

For example, research shows that persons with liver illness who drank more than two cups of coffee per day had decreased odds of liver cancer and scarring.

According to other studies, the more coffee people consume, the lower their chance of dying from chronic liver disease. One cup of coffee per day was connected to a 15% reduction in risk, whereas four cups per day were linked to a 71% reduction in risk.

Another study discovered that coffee intake was linked to reduced liver stiffness, a metric used by doctors to quantify fibrosis or the production of scar tissue in the liver.


Health Benefits of Tea

Health Benefits of Coffee

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It may be served iced or hot, making tea a pleasant beverage.

Its advantages, however, go well beyond refreshment. Several studies have shown that tea offers beneficial effects on one's health.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking green tea or black tea.

1. Help you think more clearly.

Green tea may assist in increasing brain function in addition to keeping you awake. It has caffeine, a well-known stimulant.

Although it doesn't have as much caffeine as coffee, it's enough to elicit a response without generating the jittery effect that comes with too much caffeine.

Caffeine in green tea affects the brain by inhibiting adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It enhances neurotransmitter concentrations and neuronal activity such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Green tea can also increase mood, alertness, response time, and memory, among other aspects of brain function.

2. May Help to Improve Heart Health

Black tea contains flavonoids, a certain kind of antioxidant that is beneficial to prevent heart disease.

Regularly consuming them may help lower several heart disease risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, raised triglyceride levels, and obesity.

Drinking black tea for 12 weeks reduced triglyceride levels by 36 percent, blood sugar levels by 18 percent, and the LDL/HDL plasma ratio by 17 percent, according to randomized controlled research.

3. Reduce Cancer Risk

The polyphenols in black tea may help prevent cancer cells from growing faster.

It was discovered that black and green tea can help to regulate cancer cell proliferation and prevent the formation of new cells.

Another study showed the impact of black tea polyphenols on breast cancer. It was discovered that black tea might aid in the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancers.

Although black tea should not be considered a cancer therapy alternative, some studies have shown that it can reduce cancer cells’ lives longer.

4. Weight Management: Aid Weight Loss

As previously explained, green tea includes caffeine as well as catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), a kind of flavonoid that is an antioxidant. Both of these have been shown to speed up the metabolism in studies. Which means it could help you with weight loss. 

Catechin can aid in the breakdown of extra fat. Other than that, catechin and caffeine can help the body utilize more energy.

Which One Should You Drink?

Tea and coffee, both drinks have health benefits when it comes down to it. In the end, the decision is yours to make, and it will be based on your preferences and intended goals. If you enjoy drinking tea, go ahead and do so. If you're one of the coffee drinkers, just keep drinking it as it is. You may also combine the best of both tea and a cup of coffee depending on your mood.

Both coffee and tea have a lot of health benefits. With either drink, it's simple to consume too much caffeine. Make sure to keep your caffeine intake to a minimum each day.

Well, in the end, you know your body best, whether it's a green tea, black tea, or an aromatic cup of coffee that you desire as soon as you wake up. So pay attention to it and provide it with what it needs.

If you want to experience the best coffee in the morning, Kisaku Yatagarasu Coffee Blend is the answer. It is made of a specially curated blend of 50% Aceh Gayo and 50% Flores Bajawa

With the tasting notes of brown sugar and dark cocoa, Yatagaratsu is suitable for various types of brewing methods.

Kisaku has drip bag coffee

Quicker? No problem. Kisaku has drip bag coffee. Very practical if you're traveling, camping, or even too lazy. All you need is hot water and a cup. Kisaku coffee is available in various packs. You can find them here.